Polycythemia Vera:
Patient Profiles

0Despite Treatment With Hydroxyurea, Have Your Patients With Polycythemia Vera (PV) Experienced Elevated Hematocrit Levels? 
Control of Hematocrit (Hct) Level
  • Maintaining control of Hct level consistently below 45% is an established target in treatment of PV1
Assessing the Need for Additional Control
  • For many patients, PV remains well managed with hydroxyurea (HU)
  • However, disease control may be inadequate in patients with any of the following2:
    • Complete blood count values
      • - Hct ≥45%
      • - Platelet count >400 × 109/L
      • - White blood cell (WBC) count >10 × 109/L
    • Unacceptable adverse reactions that require attention
    • Increasing disease-related signs and symptoms (eg, splenomegaly)
For 1 in 4 patient with PV,
counts remain elevated
despite treatment
with HU3,4

Abbreviations: HU = hydroxyurea; PV = polycythemia vera.

Sources:  Alvarez-Larrán 20122; Data on file.3

Assessment for uncontrolled
polycythemia vera despite treatment
with HU EDU-1214 12/14
HCP guide to PV
Nurse guide to polycythemia
vera EDU-1214 12/14
  1. Marchioli R, et al. CYTO-PV Collaborative Group. Cardiovascular events and intensity of treatment in polycythemia vera. N Engl J Med.
  2. Barosi G, et al. A unified definition of clinical resistance and intolerance to hydroxycarbamide in polycythaemia vera and primary myelofibrosis: results of a European LeukemiaNet (ELN) consensus process. Br J Haematol. 2010;148(6):961-963.
  3. Alvarez-Larrán A, et al. Assessment and prognostic value of the European LeukemiaNet criteria for clinicohematologic response, resistance, and intolerance to hydroxyurea in polycythemia vera. Blood. 2012;119(6):1363-1369.
  4. Data on file. Incyte Corporation. Wilmington, DE.
0Identifying Patients With Uncontrolled
Polycythemia Vera Due to Inadequate
Response to Hydroxyureaa
aNot actual patient. Hypothetical case study intended for
discussion only; not a substitute for comprehensive medical
education or clinical evaluations. Model used for illustrative
purposes only.


Diadnosed with PV
at age 55

Clinical Presentation
  • Hct level: 48%
  • Elevated WBC count
  • Normal platelet count
  • Increase in symptoms
Initial Treatment
  • HU initiated because of elevated Hct level and WBC and platelet counts
    • Titrated to maximum tolerated dose of HU
    • Hct level continues to fluctuate >45% and requires phlebotomy 4 to 6 times per year
Characteristics of Patients With PV Who Have an Inadequate Response to HU Despite Maximum Tolerated Dose1,b
  • Need for phlebotomy to maintain Hct <45%, or
  • Elevated WBC count (>10 × 109/L) and elevated platelet count (>400 × 109/L), or
  • Failure to reduce splenomegaly
bAdapted from European LeukemiaNet (ELN) criteria for HU resistance and intolerance.1
When blood counts remain elevated in your patients with
PV, even at the maximum tolerated dose of HU, do you
know that you have another option?
Find out why this patient may be a candidate for treatment with
Jakafi® (ruxolitinib) tablets. Find out more.
See more
Patient Profiles
Assessment for uncontrolled polycythemia vera
despite treatment with HU EDU-1214 12/14
  1. Barosi G, et al. A unified definition of clinical resistance and intolerance to hydroxycarbamide in polycythaemia vera and primary myelofibrosis: results of a European LeukemiaNet (ELN) consensus process. Br J Haematol. 2010;148(6):961-963.
0Identifying Patients With
Uncontrolled Polycythemia Vera Due
to Intolerance of Hydroxyureaa
aNot actual patient. Hypothetical case study intended for
discussion only; not a substitute for comprehensive medical
education or clinical evaluations. Model used for illustrative
purposes only.


Diadnosed with PV
at age 57

Clinical Presentation
After 4 years, patient experienced problematic leg ulcers requiring office visits for wound care
  • HU discontinued
  • Phlebotomy frequency increased
  • Spleen size: 5 cm below costal margin
Initial Treatment
  • Phlebotomy alone for 8 years
    • HU initiated because of increasing symptoms and frequency of phlebotomy to maintain Hct level <45%
    • Titrated HU to 1 g twice daily
Characteristics of Patients With PV Who Are Intolerant of HU1,b
  • Cutaneous vasculitic toxicities, or
  • Presence of nonhematologic toxicities, such as gastrointestinal symptoms, pneumonitis, or fever
bAdapted from European LeukemiaNet (ELN) criteria for HU resistance and intolerance.1
In PV, how often have you rechallenged your patients with 
HU because no other options were appropriate?
Find out why this patient may be a candidate for treatment with
Jakafi® (ruxolitinib) tablets. Find out more.
See more
Patient Profiles
Assessment for uncontrolled polycythemia vera
despite treatment with HU EDU-1214 12/14
  1. Barosi G, et al. A unified definition of clinical resistance and intolerance to hydroxycarbamide in polycythaemia vera and primary myelofibrosis: results of a European LeukemiaNet (ELN) consensus process. Br J Haematol. 2010;148(6):961-963.